Sunday, January 21, 2007

New Blog

I have moved from Blogspot to Vox.
You can find my new Blog here: Click click for my personal blog and Click click for my Learning Journal

Personal Blog:
Learning Journal:

Friday, December 29, 2006

Considerng issues and suitability

2. Consider these issues and the questions below in your learning journal and discuss them in your groups within the UV online community.

* Was the chosen space suitable for the message and potential audience?

Message: Introducing myself, why I am at Ultraversity and possible research ideas
Suitable: In html mode headings can be used for the different topics for simple layout, in content panel mode different panels can be used for different areas
Target Audience: My fellow researchers, researchers from other cohorts and learning facilitators
Suitable for everyone, because Plone is easy to access by clicking on my name in Plone. This way, IT novices can find the space as well.
Convenient to access the page, because we all work in Plone.

First Class:
Message: Not sure about my message, just a page about myself really. I tried to keep it not university-related and more personal
Suitable for the message, as the design and layout are very simple as well.
Target Audience: Fellow researchers
Even though we all have to create our own FC space, I don't think they are very suitable. The web publisher is not very user-friendly, in my opinion. So some pages are simple, others more advanced.
They are not as easy to access, as one has to enter the url into the browser, unless someone provides the direct link to their web page.

Web Blog:
Message: My web blog is my personal learning journal, so no message is being sent to an audience
Suitable as a personal learning journal, but would also be suitable as a personal blog to keep audience up to date with my life.
Target Audience: Myself
My learning journal is for my own reference. Others are welcome to view the blog, quote from it and possibly draw conclusions from it for their own work.

My Web Space (
Message: A platform for C6
Suitable, as the layout it simple and the page is easy to navigate
Target Audience: Fellow researchers
Again, the space is suitable for the audience, because it can be accessed even when Plone or FC are down.
An IT novice may experience some difficulty locating the page (URL has to be entered into browser or link provided), but this far into the course, this should be a minimal problem.

* Were there any ethical issues that you encountered in the development of your online space (confidentiality for example)?

* Did you face any technical challenges and how did you overcome them?
see other post

in iweb: Tables cannot be created in iweb, but I needed them. I designed the tables in Word, made a screen shot and inserted the tables as images.
I found out about this by using google and finding a web page dealing with the downsides of iweb.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

A quick one but long!

Last night was the first big, formal chat. We had invited some learning facilitators, but they didn't show up. I assume Christmas, the re-organisation and the time of the chat play a role here.
It was successful anyway. Trudy and I did a Research in Action by moderating the chat with the Hands Up feature.

This is what I thought of it:

- more organized
- easier to read and follow the discussion
- just like a real meeting
- late arrivals arrived quietly (well done!)

- not many people there, but some people said too many people were there*1
- The amount of time and the handling of calling people up was not quite perfected yet, understandably. We need to work on this.

*1: A big formal chat is planned for twice a module starting with module 3. I see this as the chance for everyone, incl. LFs to come together. The smaller informal ones will be much easier

I hope people do not think Trudy and I were trying to be special here. It was all about trying to organize this. I think we make a good team.

After the chat, I took the time to get together the transcript, then revised it and made a short version out of it:

Hello everyone,
In an attempt to give a short and easy overview of the chat on Tuesday, December 19, 2006, I have summed up the questions raised and answers given.
Please feel free to add to them!

1. Learning Activity 1: Quotes
How do we quote, what do we do with screen shots, etc!

1.1 Anthony Russell said on FC concerning first class messages to try and keep them concise and minimal!

This is what he said exactly:
I think one main issue emerged - How do you show and reference involvement in both Plone and First Class?

You may wish to include a screen shot to demonstate competence (or excellence!) involving skills. By all means do so but do not forget to explain to the reader why you are including that particular screen shot. How does it demonstrate learning? if you are starting from a low skills base then do not be afraid to say so and to demonstate your struggles. We fully appreciate that our researchers have arrived with a wide variety of skills - It is learning that is important!

You may wish to use a quote from a piece of dialogue in Plone or First Class. Quotes should not be large 'lumps' of text. No more than a few sentences will suffice and very often one or two sentences will be all that is required.
However in the appendices it is good to provide the context from which the quote is taken - This need not be a huge piece but it should help the reader understand why the quote was chosen - provide the time,date and location. It could well be a screen shot but remember it has to be uploaded!

It is not good to simply refer the reader to a 'lump' of text in the appendices. This is leaving the reader to do the analysis.


"I had a discussion with six people about Plone (see appendix 3)" Would not be good. This might be better:

On the 8th of December I was involved in a dialogue with six other researchers about the advantages and disadvantages of using Plone as an online community tool. The general opinion was that it had more strengths than weaknesses. The following quote is typical." I like Plone beacuse it provides an image of the person you are talking to. It is like a conversation with one person following on from the next." (Appendix 3) However two of the group thought that the lack of a thread, as in FC, was a disadvantage. Cuthbert pointed out that he was especailly interested in Tiddlywinks but that it took him hours identifying specific 'tiddlywink' contributions. He objected to, "endless scrolling." (Appendix 4)

1.2 Question: Do you put screen shots in an appendix and quote in the main work?

Answer: You can put the screenshots in the work - see Anthony Russells message today for clarification about explainig them
It is not sufficient to say 'see appendix 3' need to explain context

2. Learning Activity 2

2.1 Question: Discuss criteria for evaluation and how we are filling in the table

About criteria for assessing - I searched the web and found some really useful ideas - just put in "evaluating websites"

2.2 Detail in column

• I have put Good- then a comment why i think this
• i used 3 columns: the format in LO, but used a traffic light system, red = bad green = good
LF liked that idea, the comments in each column keeps it KISS like Tony B used to say

2.3 Do words in tables count in word count?
UNANSWERED- needs clarification

Words in Tables do NOT count in Word Count
Are you sure about that? I cannot find proof for it!
No tables do not count - unless they are an obvious attempt to 'hide' words. If they are genuine tables, essential to the piece, they do not count. (LF)

2.4 What about annotations in word count for screen shots etc.

Annotations count, screen shots don't. I have this confirmed by Sarah , my LF (on PLone)

3. Learning Activity 3

3.1 Reflection

3.2 Evidence
Am I correct in thinking that the names of the people should remain anonymous as with the quotes from researchers in first class?

Researchers cannot be identified

Someone raised the question of how to evidence without mentioning names... my choice is to say 'a fellow researcher...' and to evidence with a screenprint if applicable with names blacked out

3.3 Presentation how is everyone presenting LA3?

3.4 Referencing:
I read somewhere in notes from an LF that quotes from researchers had to "harvard referenced" - can any explain that for me please?

[ ]

Harvard referencing — also known as the author-date system[ ][1] and parenthetical system[ ][2] — is a format for writing and organizing [ ]citations of source materials.

Under the Harvard referencing system, a brief citation to a source is given in the text of an article, and full citations collected in alphabetical order under a "References" or "Works Cited" heading at the end. The citation is placed in parentheses after the sentence or part of one, followed by the year of publication, as in (Smith 2005), and a page number where appropriate (Smith 2005, p. 1) or (Smith 2005:1). Then in a References section:

Smith, John. (2005) Harvard Referencing, Florida:Wikimedia Foundation. [ ]ISBN 1-899235-74-4.

3.5 Referencing
In LA3 and 4 it says to make notes in our LJs how is everyone referencing them?

copy and pasted - giving a hyperlink would lead to a page with my face on

Incidentally I intend to have a document of supporting evidence with screenshots in context - fuller transcripts and relevant bits of learning journal in context
Screen shots with annotations. E.g. As you can see from the included entry in my LJ, I have....

3.6 Screen shots:
When we have screen shots, would they be better placed in the document or an appendix?

Anthony Russell's message today says to give context in your text
Remember apependix are not marked

I also think that screenshots break up text and make it more reader friendly... James?

Short extracts with the fuller version in the appendix giving context if they want to check seems good compromise

4. Learning Activity 4

In LA4 you need to analysis the theorist you can disagree with their comments as long as you can back it up with your experiences

5. Learning Activity 5

5.1 Intended Learning Outcomes

1. Select a range of appropriate online learning tools for communication with peers. LAs 1,2&5
2. Consider how online community can support learning. LAs 4&5
3. Give examples of their particiaption in the online learning community
LAs 1&5
4. Discuss the development of their ICT capability with reference to the development of their online learning spaces. LAs 1,3,4&5
5. Consider and identify how online community can support the process of learning. LA5

5.2 Assessment criteria
Assessment Criteria is the same as module 1 but with one extra - it is on Plone if you want to download it
[ ]

5.3 Presentation: How are people presenting this Module what media are you using?
I am not using an extensive range of media-
I will be in Word when I get to do it.
In fact, everyone said Word!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Still to do

+ change First Class website and really learn about it

+ read some more literature

+ compare web pages

+ change my MSN password for direct log-in

Server downtime

Instead of creating a message board, I created a yahoo group for the server downtime. I hope people will sign up and understand yahoo groups. It is very flexible and versatile, a lot of options are available.
I guess this is just another learning experience and we have to survive and finish the module regardless of the server downtime!
And, I believe: WE CAN DO IT!

Plone webspace

All the time I was wondering how to set up content panels in Plone. I had read a few descriptions, but most of them were reduced to 'Just click add content panel', which obviously didn't work for me.

So, initially, I created the Plone webspace as a normal document, but made headings, structured the text and added a picture. I also added a table. This was all standard stuff I had done before, so I didn't feel like I had learnt much, apart from using a new editor (kupu).
Here is a screen shot of what it used to look like:

So, initially, I created the Plone webspace as a normal document, but made headings, structured the text and added a picture. I also added a table. This was all standard stuff I had done before, so I didn't feel like I had learnt much, apart from using a new editor (kupu).
Here is a screen shot of what it used to look like:

A few days ago, Rob from Cohort 5 popped in and posted a long message about how to set up content panels.
His description was so detailed and 'easy', that I had a go at it yesterday. And ta-da, this is it:

Content panels, if used in moderation and in a good layout, make the website look so much nicer and interesting! I have seen content panels used on many professional webpages and am really happy that I learnt something new!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

New technology

I used Excel for the first time today.
In order to evaluate my criteria for webspace evaluation, I created a questionnaire and sent it to cohort 6 members.

With the information received, I created a bar chart and a pie chart.

This made me feel very accomplished and I am not sure I have mastered an important step!

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Results and a few thoughts

We finally got our results for Module 1 yesterday. I am very pleased with mine and the 'Tips for Improvement' are VERY VERY useful. I may just have to post them here at a later date, so I will constantly be reminded of those!
One of them was, be more critical. And all the while during the assignment I thought: I should really be a little bit more critical. I only managed to do that towards the end, where I am critical with myself.
Well done, me though! An A (excellent) is awesome.

And well done everyone else! I was very happy to hear from so many people who did so well! I am happy for all of you. I don't think anyone failed, which is lovely.

Now that I have said this, here are a few thoughts I had in bed this morning:

- FC: People post more and more, which is nice, because interaction is important, but it feels like there are repetitive posts and people do not use the Archive or FIND (search) option before they post a query.
In addition, people post rather private messages on the C6 forum. Those should, in my opinion, be send privately and not through the whole discussion.
Why? Because it results in a HUGE amount of red flags, which is hard to cope with if you do not log in every few hours.

- FC web publishing: I finally realized how to change my appearance (i.e. add frames, search, etc): By clicking on the Appearance button. Am I blind, or what?
I also need to have a GOOD look at all those documents that were sent by Tony, because I do not know how to add Links to the side bar yet.

- The server downtime: It is causing people to panic and the LFs have not said anything yet. Should I set up a message board and mailing list so we can continue to communicate? I think yes! My time may say no!
But I should suggest it anyway.

- LA 1: I have started it but need to seriously revise it. I added too much theory, which is really part of LA 4.

My own deadline for LA 2 was Dec 6th, so I better get cracking this weekend! I am behind already!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Reflection on yesterday's chat discussion

Yesterday was the first time we arranged a chat discussion using the new feature 'Meeting Room Live'. Lindsey and I talked on MSN beforehand and agreed to moderate one chatroom each: She opted for the LA 1 and 2 discussion and I took on the LA 3, 4 and 5 discussion. The General Discussion was going to be left unmoderated.

In an attempt to make the chat discussion easy, short and to the point, I did post a thread on FirstClass earlier with some ground rules and the questions we asked people to submit during the week.
I stated that the chat should not be used for private discussion, that it should not last longer than 30 min and so on.
Before I submitted the post, I had sent it to Lindsey to see if it was okay. She agreed with it and it was posted.

At 9.30 pm people started joining the LA 1 and 2 discussion. The LA 3, 4 and 5 discussion was left deserted. I assume that most people just have not started those yet and wanted to clarify all questions for LA 1 and 2 before continuing the journey.
The chat room was unnecessary, but I'm still happy I created it. Even though there was no demand for it, it was good to have it on offer.
I had also joined the LA 1 and 2 discussion to keep on top of things.

The first thing I realized was that, even though it was posted in the chat room itself (and catch-up was enabled) and in several posts on FC beforehand, people asked if there would be a transcript available and if the chat had started yet.
Also, some of the questions asked and discussed were already answered by Learning Facilitators in Plone and FC. Therefore, I would consider them 'a waste of time'. It also showed that some people have not yet really gotten the hang of checking Plone, FC and previous posts on a regular basis.
Some things were discussed in early chats, which can be read as transcripts. I understand that 30-page transcripts can be daunting, so I have decided to extract the main questions and answers from this chat discussion, once I find the time. I will also ask fellow 'moderators' to do so.

Reading through the chat transcript of the LA1 and 2 discussion, I am impressed that Lindsey kept the conversations to the point, even though people were tempted to discuss other things.

My hope is that people will start posting any questions they have on FC (under the respective threads), so we can arrange the chats upfront.

I was also busy in the General Discussion. It was not really about Module 2 this time, but something, that effects all people in Cohort 6 in regards to Module 2.
Ultraversity and ARU have announced a complete server downtime just before christmas and an 'at risk' connection that cannot be guaranteed and may produce loss of data, until the new year.
This is going to be a real problem for some people in Cohort 6, because this module is based on online communication within the group. This will be impossible at that time. The deadline for the module is January 5th, so most researchers will have planned that time (christmas and new years) for intensive online discussion.

Looking back at Module 1, the last two weeks before the deadline were very busy in the community. I can only assume this will be the same for Module 2.
We have decided to propose a 7 day extension on the deadline due to the downtime.

This is all for now.